Dritter Reiseabschnitt beginnt, Anne und Felix in Ulaanbator
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I just arrived safely home without problems. We arrived together with Darja to Ukraine to Lviev and I than took a bus to my home town through Poland. I want to once more thanks you for everything you
have done for us! It was amazing journey that will always be remembered! Thank you and when I have a bit of time I will send you some pictures :)) I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip with your
family and that you will no longer have problems with bad roads!
Kommentar schreiben
Alena (Mittwoch, 07 August 2013 07:49)
I just arrived safely home without problems. We arrived together with Darja to Ukraine to Lviev and I than took a bus to my home town through Poland. I want to once more thanks you for everything you have done for us! It was amazing journey that will always be remembered! Thank you and when I have a bit of time I will send you some pictures :)) I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip with your family and that you will no longer have problems with bad roads!